被测的 6个杂交后代菌株的卵孢子经 12 8d越冬后 ,均有部分仍然存活 ,从土壤中回收的越冬卵孢子在实验室条件下的萌发率为 1 0 %~ 6 4 0 %。杂交后代菌株在土壤中的苹果病组织块 (大小约 10mm× 10mm× 10mm)经 4~ 5个月的越冬后进行分离 ,从灭菌土壤中 5个月后的检出率为 2 9 0 %~ 10 0 % ,在未灭菌的自然土壤中 4个月后的检出率为5 0 %~ 33 3%。供试的杂交后代菌株游动孢子在土壤中寄主组织材料上的腐生定殖能力与亲本菌株相似。上述结果表明恶疫霉有性杂交后代在土壤中有较强的存活能力和腐生定殖能力。
Ovospores of the six tested offspring strains survived after 12 8 days of winter, and some of the ova spores retrieved from the soil germinated in the laboratory at a rate of 10% -640%. The isolates from the hybrids were isolated in apple soil in soil (about 10 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm in size) after 4 to 5 months of overwintering. The detection rate of the contaminated soil after 5 months was 290% ~ 10 0%. The detection rate after 4 months in non-sterilized natural soil ranged from 50% to 33 3%. The antisera colonizing ability of zoospore in the host material of the hybrids tested was similar to that of the parental strain. The above results show that P. xylostella sexual hybrid progeny in the soil have a strong ability to survive and saprophytic colonization.