2000年4月20日~6月27日在义乌市大陈镇金乌、集团公司发生一起伤寒疫情暴发。大陈镇是全国有名的衬衫之乡,这里汇集着全国各地客商和来自江西、贵州等省的打工者,是义乌外来人口较多的乡镇之一。该镇历年来为伤寒高度散发、病人聚集的乡镇。1 材料与方法1.1 暴发点概况 疫情暴发在金乌集团的制衣、制袜厂,全厂员工近300人,95%打工者来自外市、外省。全厂分为包装车间、定型车间、仓库、棉袜、制衣后整6个车间。饮用水为自备浅表井水,离井30米内无明显污染源。全部员工使用一个厕所,厕所内卫生较差,苍蝇横飞。员工宿舍楼男、女东西各半
From April 20, 2000 to June 27, 2000, a large outbreak of typhoid fever broke out in Jinwu, Dachen Town, Yiwu City. Dachen Town is a famous hometown of shirts. Here it brings together businessmen from all over the country and migrant workers from Jiangxi and Guizhou provinces and one of the towns with more foreign population in Yiwu. The town over the years for the highly distributed typhoid, the township of patients gathered. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Outbreaks Epidemic outbreaks in Jinwu Group’s garment, socks factory, the entire plant nearly 300 employees, 95% of migrant workers from outside the city, the provinces. The whole plant is divided into packaging workshop, stereotypes workshop, warehouse, cotton socks, garment after the entire six workshops. Drinking water is self-prepared shallow well water, no obvious source of pollution within 30 meters from the well. All staff use a toilet, toilets poor health, flies fly. Staff quarters floor, male and female things half