经卫生部药品审评委员会对心肌缺血性损伤治疗新药“心荣口服液”进行审评,意见如下: 1.本研究选题明确,组方合理,设计完整周密,经过详尽的实验研究和多年的临床应用,证明该口服液具有改善心肌缺血缺氧状态、减轻心肌损伤的作用。临床主要用于冠心病、心纹痛、心肌病、心肌炎
The review of the “Xinrong Oral Liquid” for the treatment of myocardial ischemic injury was conducted by the Drug Review Committee of the Ministry of Health. The opinions are as follows: 1. This study has a clear choice of topics, a reasonable composition, thorough and thorough design, and detailed experimental studies. Many years of clinical application have proved that the oral solution has the effects of improving myocardial ischemia and hypoxia and reducing myocardial damage. Mainly used in clinical coronary heart disease, heart pain, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis