以具有高产潜力的沧豆6号、冀豆16和冀豆17 3个大豆品种为试验材料,研究了15.0万株/hm2、19.5万株/hm2和24.0万株/hm23种种植密度下的叶面积指数及干物质积累动态与产量的关系。结果表明:各品种在不同群体条件下的叶面积指数变化趋势均大致呈抛物线型,沧豆6号在R6期叶面积指数与产量的相关性达极显著水平,冀豆16和冀豆17则呈显著负相关;不同种植密度、不同品种间的干物质积累动态均存在差异;沧豆6号在R1~R6期干物质积累量与产量呈显著正相关;在高种植密度下沧豆6号后期群体发育仍能维持较高的叶面积指数和干物质积累量,适合密植。
With the high yield potential of Cang Dou 6, Jidou 16 and Jidong 17 3 soybean varieties as the experimental material, the effects of 150,000 plants / hm2, 195,000 plants / hm2 and 240,000 plants / hm23 planting density leaves Relationship between area index, dynamics of dry matter accumulation and yield. The results showed that the trend of leaf area index of each cultivar was approximately parabolic in different groups. The correlation between the leaf area index of Cang Dou 6 and yield was significant at the R6 stage, while that of Jidou 16 and Jidou There was a significant negative correlation between the dry matter accumulation dynamics of different cultivars and cultivars at different planting densities. There was a significant positive correlation between dry matter accumulation and yield of Cang Dou 6 at R1 ~ R6. Under high planting density, Late stage population development can still maintain a high leaf area index and dry matter accumulation, suitable for close planting.