【摘 要】
北京电视艺术制作中心继推出《北京人在纽约》、《过把瘾》等轰动性剧作后,又投巨资拍摄三十集电视连续剧《天桥梦》。对剧中男主角程天韵的饰演者,圈内圈外人士皆认为非香港影星郑少秋莫属。但出人意料的是,郑少秋在看完剧本后,尽管非常喜欢程天韵这个角色,但要演好程天韵须有京剧的唱念做打功夫,郑少秋为此只好忍痛割爱。于是,上帝就把程天韵这一角色赐于了青年影星邢岷山。 提起邢岷山,人们并不陌生。他不仅在《武生泰斗》中成功地饰演
Following the sensational drama “Beijingers in New York” and “Addiction”, Beijing Television Art Production Center invested heavily in the filming of thirty television series “Sky Bridge Dream”. Actor Cheng Tianyun plays the actor, insiders and non-circle non-Hong Kong actor Adam Cheng no less. But unexpectedly, after Zheng Shaoqiu read the script, though very much like the role of Cheng Tianyun, but to play good Cheng Yun must have a singing opera do martial arts, Zheng Shaoqiu had to reluctantly cut love. As a result, God gave Cheng Tianyun this role given to young movie star Xing Minshan. Mention Xing Minshan, people are no stranger. He not only successfully played the “Martial Arts”
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Background/Aims: T- lymphocyte reactivity against viral antigens may represent the only immunological marker of host contact with a virus. Aim of the present st
A new model for concentration dependence of polymer chain dimensions over the wholeconcentration range was proposed. The hydrodynamic volume of a solvated macr
The patient was a 77-year-old male former smoker, with history of several basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) in sun-protected areas around the waistline, who presente
周恩来、邓颖超夫妇在破壁前留影一佳北的崇山峻岭,枫叶已由暗紫色变成一片深红。恰似一把炽烈的火炬举起,给南国的冬天缀上一片盎然的生气。 1938年12月3日,夜幕沉沉。一辆