高血压是危害人类健康的常见病。由于久病不治或治疗不达标,可对心、脑、肾等靶器官造成损害,医学专家们因此越来越关注高血压引起的靶器官损害。从这个意义上讲,高血压不再只是心内科疾病,她是连接心血管与相关学科的纽带。 本期,导报邀请中华医学会肾脏病学分会主委谌贻璞教授、中华医学会心血管病学分会常委刘国仗教授,就高血压与肾脏在临床实践中的常见问题作一讨论,希望能对广大读者有所神益。
Hypertension is a common disease that endangers human health. As chronic illness or treatment fails to meet the standards of the heart, brain, kidney damage caused by target organs, medical experts are therefore increasingly concerned about the target organ damage caused by hypertension. In this sense, hypertension is no longer just a cardiology disease, but a link between cardiovascular and related disciplines. This issue, the Herald invited the Chinese Medical Association nephrology branch Professor Chen Yupu, Chinese Medical Association of Cardiology Branch Professor Liu Guozhang, on hypertension and kidney in clinical practice to make a discussion of common problems, hope Can benefit readers.