
来源 :石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbs_zj
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该文基于新疆南疆社会稳定与长治久安、丝绸之路文明传播与战略保障的两大现实需求,提出在南疆建立新疆的副中心城市是时势使然;根据环塔里木地理交通中心、塔里木河流域水资源最为富集、环塔里木战略圈中枢地带、民汉及兵地融合平台等基础条件,认为南疆战略稳定支点城市应建于屯垦新城阿拉尔。其主要思路是通过建立国家部委直属的高校研究机构、基层监测机构、物流交通网络、企业总部基地等,打造现代版的西域都护府,进一步完善南疆社会治理体系;建构先进文化示范区,使先进文化在南疆更好地辐射和传播。 Based on the two realistic needs of social stability and long-term peace and security in southern Xinjiang, and the civilized transmission and strategic protection of the Silk Road, this paper proposes that the establishment of a sub-central city of Xinjiang in southern Xinjiang is an inevitable trend. According to the current situation of Central Tarim Basin Geographic and Traffic Center, Tarim River Basin The most abundant resources, the Central Tarim Basin strategic circle, civil and military integration platform and other basic conditions, that strategic stability in southern Xinjiang fulcrum cities should be built in the settlements Metro Alar. The main idea is to build a modern version of the Western Regions’ government by establishing university research institutes, grass-roots monitoring agencies, logistics and transportation networks, and enterprise headquarters directly under the ministries and commissions to further improve the social management system in southern Xinjiang; to construct an advanced culture demonstration area, So that advanced culture in southern Xinjiang better radiation and dissemination.
热带西太平洋暖池是全球大洋表面温度最高的区域,也是全球海-气能量交换年总量最大的海域。它的维持和变化不仅对E1 Ni?o的发生、发展起着重要作用,而且对中高纬度大气环流
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