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北京和谈是在清政府无力抵抗英法联军侵略的条件下被迫与西方列强进行的谈判,大体上可分为关于放还巴夏礼等人交涉和关于罢兵和谈交涉两个阶段。它是晚清外交体制由宗藩关系的传统外交向近代外交转型的转折点,表现出突破传统的“夷夏之防”、进一步加深对西方列强的认识、促进近代外交机构———“总理各国事务衙门”的产生等特征。 The peace talks in Beijing were forced to negotiate with the Western powers under the inability of the Qing government to resist aggression by the Anglo-French coalition forces. In general, they can be divided into two stages: the repayment of negotiations by Basharli and others and the negotiation on the accomplishment of fighting by arms. It is the turning point of the late Qing diplomatic transition from the traditional diplomatic vassal relationship to the modern diplomacy. It shows that it breaks through the traditional “anti-Yi Xia” and further deepens the understanding of the Western powers, promoting the establishment of modern diplomatic institutions --- “the Prime Minister countries Affairs Yamen ”and other characteristics.