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目的:查找影响7岁以下儿童生长发育的因素,为制定儿童生长发育促进策略提供依据。方法:抽取2014年辖区内由我中心负责体检的3154名教办幼儿园4-6岁学龄前儿童和1017名0-2岁幼儿的体检数据进行生长发育监测,并配合使用《7岁以下儿童生长发育影响因素调查表》,将两组儿童的生长发育水平与影响生长发育的因素联系起来对比研究。结果:目前我区幼儿生长发育处于国际同龄儿童中上水平,而学龄前儿童却处于中下水平,幼儿的生长发育水平优于学龄前儿童。讨论:优质蛋白摄入量不足、父母亲自教养比例下降、主动寻求保健措施意识不足及不良饮食习惯四个因素是造成学龄前儿童生长发育较差的主要影响因素。 Objective: To find the factors that affect the growth and development of children under 7 years of age, and to provide the basis for the development of children’s growth and development strategy. Methods: The physical examination data of 3154 preschool children 4-6 years old preschool children and 1017 children 0-2 years old who were responsible for physical examination in our district in 2014 were collected for growth and development monitoring, and used in combination with “children under 7 years of age Developmental Influencing Factors Questionnaire, ”the two groups of children’s growth and development level and the factors that affect growth and development of a comparative study. Results: At present, the growth and development of young children in our district are in the middle and upper class of children of the same age in the world, while the preschool children are at the middle and lower levels. The growth and development of young children is superior to that of preschool children. Discussion: The lack of high-quality protein intake, parental self-reliance ratio decreased, take the initiative to seek health care measures and poor eating habits of the four factors is the poor growth and development of preschool children caused by the main factors.
1 兰洽会概述rn“兰洽会”全称“中国兰州投资贸易洽谈会”(Lanzhou Investment&Trade Fair),是中国西部地区主要的投资贸易洽谈会之一,规模逐渐扩大,并 呈现出日渐国际化和
1 引言rn碳酸氢钠、碳酸钠等食品添加剂有改善酸碱度和调节口味的作用,广泛应用于食品和饮料加工业,国家标准对其中的F-、Cl-、SO2ˉ4等阴离子都有严格的限量要求;纯碱、碳酸
外国领导人访华发表演说时非常喜欢引用中国的名言、警句、谚语,这使得他们的演讲生动、有趣、幽默、亲切。这些原汁原味的名句翻译对我们的英语学习也很有帮助。  美国总统尼克松:  So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are t
摘 要:随着市场经济功利思想的蔓延,当前农村小学生的厌学现象较普遍,厌学形成的原因较复杂。消除厌学现象既需要学生自身的努力,又需要学校、家庭、社会相互配合。  关键词:农村小学;厌学原因对策;探析  随着市场经济功利思想的蔓延,农村小学生的厌学问题日益严重,有社会、家庭、学校等方面的原因。厌学是指学生消极对待学习,对学习的重要性认识不足,对学习不感兴趣,上课注意力不集中,找借口请假或逃学。据我校调
1 引  言由于有机卤族化合物污染的普遍性和突出的“三致”作用 (致癌、致突变、致畸形 ) ,有机卤族化合物的环境行为一直是环境化学的研究热点 ,也是世界各国重点控制的
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