目的:研究不同地区影响艾滋病患者抗病毒的服药依从性的因素。方法:回顾性分析350例艾滋病患者的临床资料,挑出其中的服药依从性好的人群与服药依从性差的人群,并从治疗因素、药物治疗因素、社会人口学因素中筛选出对患者服药依从性的影响OR值大于1的因素。结果:这350例艾滋病患者中服药依从性好的为250例,服药依从性差的为100例,对患者服药依从性的影响OR值大于1的因素为医疗费用、心理健康程度、对抗病毒药物知识的了解程度、当地的医疗服务质量。结论:影响艾滋病患者抗病毒的服药依从性的因素很多,主要集中在服务质量和对相应治疗的知识了解上。AIDS,250 of them had good anti -viral medication compliance and 100 of them had bad anti -viral medication compliance .The factors which caused the anti -viral medication compliance greater than 1 OR were medical expenses , mental health level , the knowledge of anti-viral drugs and the local quality of medical services .Conclusion:There were many factors which affect the antiviral medication compli-ance.The focus should be mainly on the quality of service and knowledge of the relative treatment .