
来源 :毛泽东思想研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyanmei
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毛泽东《实践论》是马克思主义哲学中国化的重要著作,《实践论》哲学思想既与马克思主义哲学一脉相承,又结合中国革命实践和古代实践哲学思想,通过具体生动的中国故事阐释、创新和发展了马克思主义实践哲学。《实践论》中认识依赖于实践、为实践所检验并服务于实践的哲学思想对当代文艺创作有重要启示,当代文艺创作者应深入社会实践,以人民为表现主体,通过强调中国书写并融合中国传统元素,创作出更多表现时代风貌和引领时代风气的文艺作品,勇攀文艺创作的“高峰”。 Mao Zedong’s “Theory of Practice” is an important work on the sinicization of Marxist philosophy. The philosophy of “practice” is not only the same as that of Marxist philosophy, but also explains, innovates and develops through concrete and vivid Chinese stories by combining Chinese revolutionary practice with ancient practical philosophy Marxist practical philosophy. In the theory of practice, the philosophical thought of cognition relying on practice, testing and serving practice in practice has important enlightenment on the creation of contemporary literature and art. The contemporary literary and art creators should deepen the social practice, take the people as the main body of expression, and emphasize the Chinese writing and integration Chinese traditional elements, create more literary and artistic works that show the style of the times and lead the trend of the times, and climb the peak of literary and artistic creations.
侄子刚三岁,在南方某市的一家幼儿园上托班。在不久前的一次电话中,我听到了他的一个小故事。  某日,侄子没有理会老师组织的游戏活动,跑到一边自顾自地玩起最喜欢的堆积木来。老师叫侄子过来和其他小朋友一起做游戏,可他不听。老师生气了,说:“再不乖,就不要你玩了。”侄子一听,很紧张,老师不和自己玩了,那可是件大事,于是说:“要是xx小朋友也不乖,怎么办?”“那也不要他玩了。”老师毫不犹豫地说。“要是所有的