,Novel Single-Frequency Diode Pumped Solid-State Lasers and Their Applications in Laser Ranging and

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leaffan1985
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Two models of laser diode pumped unidirectional single-frequency ring lasers with maximum single-frequency output powers of 1 W and 780mW are investigated. The statistical linewidth of the free-run laser is measured to be 2.1 kHz within 5μs by using a single-mode fibre link. We use the monolithic laser to measure the angular speed of a spinning motor and simulate a linearly frequency modulated continuous-wave ladar system in the laboratory.
在实际工作中,经常碰到功放烧坏的问题,为彻底解决这一问题,笔者经过反复思考和多次试验,终于找到了两种解决办法:即在交流220 V输入端串入一个大功率电阻,从而降低功放的交
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1 概胃肠吻合是—项外科基本技术,规范的胃肠吻合对于降低手术并发症发生率有重要意义.胃肠吻合涉及缝合材料、缝合技术、吻合方式等内容.吻合器的使用对改进胃肠吻合技术有
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