目的探讨我国口服药物治疗的2型糖尿病患者的用药特点与治疗结果,为临床合理治疗提供参考。方法采用自设调查表于2008年12月至2009年7月,在全国9个城市75家医院进行患者问卷调查,调查内容包括患者基本特征、患病情况、用药情况、治疗结果等。共发放问卷9 570份,回收有效问卷7 412份,应答率77.45%。结果我国2型糖尿病口服药物治疗患者的平均年龄59.55岁,平均病程8.93年,平均合并症1.66个,最近一次HbA1c平均值9.11。使用频率最高的药物种类依次是双胍类和磺脲类,使用频率最高的药物品种依次是盐酸二甲双胍和阿卡波糖,药物类别连用比例最高的是双胍类+磺脲类;随着病程的延长和合并症的增多,患者既往使用过的药品品种数也逐渐增多,病程5年以上的患者既往服用过(2.9±1.3)种药物,病程10年以上的患者既往服用过(3.4±1.6)种药物。患者血糖控制水平普遍不好,控制较差者占70.56%。结论我国2型糖尿病口服药物治疗患者用药特征基本符合各类药物的特点和临床诊疗规范。多数患者既往服用过多种药物。对于血糖控制水平仍不佳的患者,建议转为胰岛素治疗。
Objective To explore the characteristics and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients treated with oral drugs in our country and provide references for clinical rational treatment. Methods The self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct questionnaire survey in 75 hospitals in 9 cities in China from December 2008 to July 2009. The survey included the basic characteristics of patients, the prevalence of illness, the medication situation and the treatment outcome. 9 570 questionnaires were distributed, 7 412 valid questionnaires were returned, and the response rate was 77.45%. Results The average age of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was 59.55 years old with an average duration of 8.33 years. The average complication was 1.66, and the average HbA1c was 9.11. The most frequently used types of drugs followed by biguanides and sulfonylureas, the most frequently used drugs followed by metformin hydrochloride and acarbose, the highest proportion of the drug combination is the biguanide + sulfonylurea; as the duration of the extension And the number of complications increased, the number of drugs used in the past patients also gradually increased. Patients with more than 5 years of history had taken 2.9 ± 1.3 medications in the past and those with durations of 10 years or more had taken 3.4 ± 1.6 drug. Patients generally poor blood glucose control, poor control accounted for 70.56%. Conclusion The medication characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in our country basically meet the characteristics of all kinds of drugs and clinical diagnosis and treatment. Most patients have previously taken multiple medications. For patients with poor glycemic control, it is recommended to switch to insulin therapy.