玛丽、庄智博(Mary and George Bloch)被誉为全球近20年来鼻烟壶的最大藏家,其拥有的珍贵藏品多达1720件,总价值估计超过7000万美元,囊括了近3个世纪中国鼻烟壶宫廷御用和文人珍玩的佳品,曾于大英博物馆及香港艺术馆等各大国际艺术馆展出。玛丽与庄智博都是犹太人。他们一个出生于白俄罗斯,一个出生于奥地利维也纳的工业世家。1969年,两人在天津认识并结为夫妇,后长居于香港和东京。20世纪80年代初,二人开始了鼻烟壶收藏,并出版
Mary and George Bloch, hailed as the world’s largest collector of snuff bottles for nearly two decades, have as many as 1,720 precious snares with an estimated total value of more than 70 million U.S. dollars, covering nearly three centuries of Chinese snuff The pot imperial court and literati treasures share, was in the British Museum and the Hong Kong Museum of Art and other major international art museum on display. Mary and Zhuang Zhibo are both Jewish. One of them was born in Belarus, an industrial family born in Vienna, Austria. In 1969, the two met and married in Tianjin and later resided in Hong Kong and Tokyo. In the early 1980s, the two started snuff bottle collections and published them