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海底的“冒烟口” 直到20世纪70年代后期,科学家们仍确信地球上所有的生命都必须依靠太阳才能存活。一支考察队在东太平洋加拉帕戈斯群岛附近的海域考察时,发现了一片奇境,生物居然生活在海面下2600米完全黑暗处,这令人惊愕不己。 左图:气体和沸水通过裂日逸泄。 这些生物生活在被称为“冒烟口”的热水喷射流周围,热水从海底的裂口喷出。裂口出现在海水通过海底裂隙渗入岩石的地方。受地壳下岩浆(熔岩)的热烤,温度达350摄氏度。加热了的水被迫向上升到海底,通过裂口喷出。在这个极深处水压量很大,比汽车轮胎的压力大100倍。 右图:这幅画显示了3个活动的”冒烟口”和生活在它们周围的一些动物, Smokey Seabed By the late 1970s, scientists were still convinced that all life on Earth must rely on the sun to survive. When an expeditionary team inspected the sea near the Galapagos Islands in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, it discovered a strange wonderland where living creatures actually lived 2,600 meters beneath the sea in complete darkness. Left: Gas and boiling water escape through the fissure day. These creatures live around jets of hot water known as “smoking outlets” where hot water spouts from the seabed. Rift occurs where seawater seeps into the rock through the seafloor crevice. Under the crust of magma (lava) hot roasted temperature of 350 degrees Celsius. Heated water was forced to rise to the seabed, spurting through the gap. In this extremely deep water pressure, pressure than car tires 100 times. Right: This picture shows the three activities of the “smoking mouth” and the animals living around them,
In this paper, the 18 O distribution of surface water from the central sea areas of the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea was studied. The δ 18 O val
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香港海域外轮相撞事故  2 0 0 1年 7月 2 1日下午 3时左右 ,香港海域发生了一起两外轮相撞事件并造成大量油品泄漏。撞船事件发生在铜海鼓岛以北 1 8海里。相撞的是一艘新加