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《水生世界》是一段最初想都不敢想的创作之旅,拍摄历时一年半,行程遍及中国的四大海域(黄海、渤海、东海、南海)、四条大江(黑龙江、乌苏里江、长江、珠江)、三片湖泊(青海湖、梁子湖、千岛湖)以及数十条支流。但是,对于主体拍摄对象——水生生物和它们的家园,我们的镜头远远够不到。中国的专业水下摄影师屈指可数,而且大部分水域的能见度完全不具备拍摄条件。水生生物,这样一个画面表现难度极大的题材,为什么要选择它?一方面固 The Aquatic World is a creative journey that you never dared to think about for a year and a half. The four major rivers (the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea), the four major rivers (Heilongjiang, Wusuli River and Yangtze River , Pearl River), three lakes (Qinghai Lake, Liangzi Lake, Thousand Island Lake) and dozens of tributaries. However, our shots far outweigh the main subjects - aquatic creatures and their homes. There are a handful of professional underwater photographers in China, and the visibility of most of the waters is completely out of shooting conditions. Aquatic organisms, such a picture extremely difficult theme, why choose it? On the one hand, solid
以加氢反应流出物空冷器(简称加氢空冷器)系统前的工艺注剂T型管为研究对象,分析其工艺过程,基于工艺注剂T型管的几何特征建立结构离散模型,选择Mixture模型和Realizable k-ε
<正> 福建省煤炭工业基建公司是1958年创建的建筑施工企业,主要承担福建省的煤炭矿山建设。进入九十年代,企业面临着生产任务不足、人员多、包袱重、亏损严重的困难局面,形势