多媒体技术发展与影视联姻自从电脑被发明以来,在一段时间里只限于处理像文字、表格和图形等形式的信息。而对图像、声音和视频的处理还望尘莫及。这是因为要处理视听信息,首先要实现音视频信号的数字化, 而数字化以后的声音和图像文件数据量很大,需要电脑有更高的
The development of multimedia technology and film and television marriage Since the invention of the computer, for a period of time limited to dealing with text, forms and graphics and other forms of information. The image, sound and video processing also unmatched. This is because to deal with audio-visual information, we must first realize the digital audio and video signals, and digital audio and image files after a large amount of data, you need a higher computer