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一、会计原则的涵意会计原则一词,源自西方,目前对其涵意的理解,争议颇多。在众多的见解中,我个人赞成从广义的角度去理解会计原则——它既是基于会计活动内在规律而归纳出来的一系列会计规则或基本要求;又是对会计工作中各种问题处理及其主要方法程序的具有约束性的规范。我认为会计原则包括三个部分的内容。按其在会计原则中所处的地位和作用不同,分为会计假设、基本会计原则和会计准则三部分。会计假设是人们对经济活动中影响会计实务的不确定性因素做出的合乎事理的科学判 First, the meaning of accounting principles The word accounting principle, from the West, the current understanding of its meaning, a lot of controversy. Among numerous opinions, I personally agree to understand accounting principles in a broad sense - it is not only a series of accounting rules or basic requirements that are based on the inherent laws of accounting activities, but also the treatment of various problems in accounting work and their The main method of the program’s binding specification. I think accounting principles include three parts. According to their accounting principles in which the status and role of different, divided into accounting assumptions, basic accounting principles and accounting standards in three parts. The accounting hypothesis is a scientific judgment made by people on the factors that affect the accounting practice in economic activities
在1996赛季率领八一队夺取甲A联赛季军、红极一时的老帅刘国江,日前却和八一队“拜拜”,重返家乡执教升班马青岛海牛队,一时引来纷纷的议论和猜测。 按常人理解,通过’96甲A
The average bond energy method is popularized and applied to study band offsets at strained layer heterojunctions. By careful examination of hydrostatic and uni
成立:1903年4月26日 英文名:ATLETICO MADRID 主席:吉尔 地址:Paseo Virgen del Puerto 67,28005 Madrid 电话:0034-91-3664707 传真:0034-91-3669811 主场:维森特·卡尔德
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我看到有的人将计算机的扬声器放在PC旁,墙上、桌子下面,甚至椅子下面。到底放在哪个地方最合适? I saw someone putting the computer’s speaker next to the PC, on the wa