本刊讯: 新千年新气象,天安捷报频传。最近,天安集团自行开发的“TA26变电站综合自动化系统”,经检测,各项技术指标均达到国家相关标准要求。该智能化系统的研制成功,标志着天安产品初步实现了向自动化的转变,形成了配电设备与智能化产品同步发展的良好格局。
Journal: The new millennium millennium news, Tian An Jie Daily News. Recently, Tian An Group developed “TA26 Substation Integrated Automation System”, after testing, the technical indicators have reached the relevant national standards. The successful development of this intelligent system marks the initial realization of the Tian An products to a shift to automation, forming a good pattern of simultaneous development of distribution equipment and intelligent products.