根据国家地震局地球物理研究所中国数字地震台网数据管理中心(CDSN DMC)从美国地震学合作研究会(IRIS)地震数据管理中心得到的资料,1996年12月全球范围内共发生M≥5.0地震95次(见附表),其中 M≥6.0地
According to the information obtained from the Seismological Data Management Center of the United States Seismological Symposium (IRIS) by the China Digital Seismograph Network Data Management Center (CDSN DMC) of the State Seismological Bureau, there were altogether M ≥ 5.0 in December 1996 Earthquake 95 times (see schedule), where M ≥ 6.0