查尔斯·巴克利曾有一次在主持节目时这样说道:“在这个世界上,真的很少有人能够成功地防守住科比。惟一一个有机会防守住他的人,就是那个你整日整夜对他顶礼膜拜的人,那就是上帝。”因为拍摄纪录片《科比工作进行时》的需要(这部纪录片于5月16日在全美上映),好莱坞著名导演斯派克·李(Spike Lee)有幸成为最接近科比的人,他与他的工作团队携带着30台摄像机,从去年五月份湖人对阵马刺的西部决赛开始着手拍摄这部纪录片,将科比场上场下的一切都原原本本地记录了下来。
Charles Barkley said once while hosting the show: “There are few people in this world who have managed to defend Kobe Bryant, and the only one who has the chance to defend him is that you are all day and night The man who worshiped him is God. ”" Because of the need to document the documentary Kobe Bryant, which runs nationwide on May 16, the famous Hollywood director Spike Lee was lucky Be the closest to Bryant, he and his team carry 30 cameras and started shooting the documentary from the Lakers’ Spurs Western Conference Finals in May last year, recording everything under Bryant’s play.