小中见大 浅中见深——析幼儿电视节目创作者的深度意识

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儿童电视工作者面对的是理性尚未健全的儿童,他们必须找到一条可以让儿童接受而又对其身心健康有益的理性通道,最终生产出能培育儿童健全人格的精神产品。也就是说,如何在看似浅显的儿童电视节目中体现深度意识。尽管人们对儿童电视所关注的焦点是娱乐性,但如果有人问儿童电视节目究竟需不需要深度,答案应该是肯定的。可怎样认识这种深度,该不该重视儿童特别是低幼儿童电视的深度,就大多数儿童电视工作者来讲,恐怕很难得出一个明确的结论。毋庸置疑,认为幼儿电视,只要蹦蹦跳跳做做游戏就可万事大吉的人也是为数不少的。 Children’s television workers are faced with children who have not yet rationally rationalized. They must find a rational channel that their children can receive and that is beneficial to their health and well-being. Ultimately, they produce spiritual products that nurture children’s healthy personality. In other words, how to show the depth of consciousness in seemingly superficial children’s TV programs. Although the focus of attention on children’s television is entertaining, the answer should be affirmative if one asks if children’s television programs need depth. How this depth can be recognized should not be taken seriously by the depth of children’s television, especially young children’s television. For most children’s television workers, it is hard to draw a definite conclusion. Needless to say, there are also a large number of people who think that toddlers can play a game as long as they are bouncing around.
本报讯 (记者 林芬) 12月4日,国家邮政局与中国交通报社举行会谈,并就加强邮政新闻宣传报道达成合作共识。交通运输部党组成员、国家邮政局局长马军胜指出,《中国交通报》作为交