近年来,信息技术与互联网产业的快速发展极大地改变了翻译的工作方式与教学模式。机辅翻译软件与翻译记忆等新翻译技术的研发、在线翻译服务与众包翻译等新翻译现象的出现,无不反映出信息技术对翻译活动具有革命性的深远影响。许多翻译研究学者已注意到这一现象,例如,夸(Chiew Kin Quah,2006)论述了机器翻译、计算机辅助翻译工具等现代技术在翻译行业中的应用,预测了翻译技
In recent years, the rapid development of information technology and Internet industry has greatly changed the mode of work and teaching of translation. The emergence of such new translation technologies as machine translation software and translation memory, and the emergence of new translation services such as online translation services and crowdsourcing translation all reflect the revolutionary and far-reaching impact of information technology on translation activities. Many translation studies scholars have noticed this phenomenon. For example, Chiew Kin Quah (2006) discusses the application of modern technologies such as machine translation and computer-aided translation tools in the translation industry and predicts translation skills