As a representative short story by Doris Lessing, a British woman writer, “The 19th Room” tells the story of the tragedy of a woman whose hero Susan began with the establishment of a happy marriage and committed suicide. Lessing’s own female identity gives her works an aesthetic perspective on women. Although Lessing himself denies it, she is often referred to as a feminist, so her criticism of Room 19 has been more or less feminist Complaints about female tragedies in a patriarchal society. This article argues that Susan’s family tragedies have more complex causes. Among them, Susan’s self-denial, the evasion of family responsibilities, the barriers of communication between husband and wife, the real lack of communication between people and the indifference of human feelings are the causes of Susan The direct cause and root cause of death. This paper tries to find out the root causes of the failure of hero and heroine in the novel by reading through the text, analyzing the contradictions between the characters and the characters, revealing the intrinsic tension of the development of the novel.