盆炎平是治疗妇科疾病盆腔炎的良药 ,临床效果显著 ,为了验证临床疗效 ,为临床用药提供实验依据 ,我们对盆炎平抗输卵管炎症及子宫炎症作用进行了实验研究 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 实验材料1 1实验动物 wistar种大鼠 ,昆明种小鼠均购于山东医科大学实验动物中心。动物合格证号 :
Panyanping is a good medicine for the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease in gynecological diseases and has a remarkable clinical effect. To verify the clinical efficacy and provide experimental basis for clinical use, we conducted an experimental study on the effects of Panyanping on fallopian tube inflammation and uterine inflammation. The results are reported below. :1 Experimental Materials 1 1 Experimental Animals The wistar species of rats and Kunming species of mice were purchased from the Experimental Animal Center of Shandong Medical University. Animal Certificate No. :