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《银都明眼》以第一人称追叙了主人公杰伊少年时第一次逛纽约城的经历,从中揭示了奥古斯特一家人之间的关系。题目中的“明眼”实指“洞察力”。杰伊少年时是个自信心很强的孩子,自认为有敏锐的观察力,对什么都爱发表意见,对任何人都有自己的看法。他喜欢荷兰画家维米尔也是因为他认为维米尔具有敏锐的观察力,能在普通的日常生活中捕捉到常人所不注意的事情并把他们变成伟大的艺术品。当他想买画册的愿望落空时,他一肚子的不高兴,在候车室里不断地发牢骚。数落父亲。父亲却心平气和地任凭他尖叫,因为通过这次纽约之行,他让杰伊初步认识了周围的世界,使他懂得了生活并不都是象他想象得那么美好、如意。正如杰伊在小说末尾所说的:“这次纽约之行对我俩来说象是参加一种仪式,”一种庆祝他进入成熟期的仪式。至于小说中的“明眼”究竟指的是谁?是杰伊的父亲。他深知并且承认自己在这个尔虞我诈、弱肉强食的社会里是个失败者;他了解自己的哥哥奎因,“当他要服务员去请医生时,我就知道这笔医药费该我来付。有钱人积攒钞票就象集邮家收集邮票一样”;他也了解自己的儿子,他对奎因说,“这是常有的事,(指眼睛里掉进东西)这孩子的眼睛长得太突出了。”言下之意是杰伊自以为有敏锐的观察力,但他只能看到事物的表面,因此往往会被假象所蒙蔽,而看不到事物的实质。厄普代克是一位文学修养很高的作家。他的写作态度又十分严谨,无论是在用词或引喻方面都刻意求精。譬如小说中杰伊原以为眼睛里掉进去的是一粒铁屑,结果却是一根眼睫毛。铁屑是杰伊身体以外的东西.象征“外界因素”,而眼睫毛是杰伊身上的东西.象征“内在因素”.作家想通过这一情节的安排来说明杰伊之所以不能看到事物的本质是由于内因,由于他的年轻和不成熟。由此可见厄普代克的匠心独运。 “Silver is bright eyes” to the first person to recapitulate the first visit to New York City, the hero Jay young experience, revealing the relationship between the August family. The title of “bright eyes” actually refers to “insight.” When Jay was a teenager, he was a child with strong self-confidence. He considered himself keenly aware of any love and expressed his opinion about anyone. He also likes Vermeer, a Dutch painter, because he believes that Vermeer has keen powers of observation to capture what everyday people do not pay attention and turn them into great works of art in ordinary everyday life. When he wanted to buy a book, he was unhappy and kept whining in the waiting room. Count father. His father calmly let him scream, because through this New York trip, he let Jay preliminarily know the world around him, made him understand that life is not always as good as he imagined. As Jay said at the end of the novel: “This trip to New York is like joining a ceremony for us,” a ceremony to celebrate his entry into maturity. As for the novel “in the eye” Who exactly refers to? Jay’s father. He knew and admitted he was a loser in this intrigue and jungle society; he knew his brother Quinn, “When I asked a waiter to call a doctor, I knew I should pay for the medical bills. People accumulate banknotes just as collectors collect stamps. ”He also understood his own son, who told Quinn:“ It’s a common occurrence. (It refers to something in the eyes.) The child’s eyes are so prominent . ”The implication is that Jay thinks he has keen powers of observation, but he can only see the surface of things, so he is often blinded by illusion and can not see the essence of things. Updike is a high literary writer. His writing attitude is very rigorous, both in terms of words or metaphor deliberate refinement. For example, in the novel, Jay thought that the eye fell into a piece of iron filings but the result was an eyelash. Iron filings are something outside of Jay’s body, a symbol of “external factors,” and the eyelashes are the things of Jay, a symbol of “internal factors.” The writer wants to show how Jay can not see things Essence is due to internal causes, due to his young and immature. This shows that Updike’s originality.
【正】 刘基与宋献策,一位生活在元末明初,一位生活在明末清初;一位是出身于官宦家庭,受过良好教育的知识分子,一位却是出身于社会中下层的普通知识分子;一位助朱元璋功成授
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