近日,“2013CCTV体坛风云人物年度评选”提名奖揭晓发布会在北京普华永道会计师事务所举行,1 0个奖项的50个提名奖获得者正式对外发布。按照惯例,本年度评选分为初评和总评两个阶段。在11月下旬开始的初评阶段,评委针对146个候选进行投票,选出每个奖项的前五名,也就是提名奖获得者。总评阶段,将在每个奖项的5个提名奖获得者中评选出最终的获奖者。此次初评,组委会共发出397份选票,有效选票384份,投票率97%。评委数量和投票率均为历史新高。
Recently, “2013CCTV Sports Man of the Year Selection ” nomination award announced conference held in Beijing PricewaterhouseCoopers accounting firm, 10 awards 50 nominees were officially released. In accordance with established practice, this year’s assessment is divided into two stages: initial assessment and general assessment. In the initial evaluation stage started in late November, the judges voted on 146 candidates and selected the top five winners of each award, that is, the winner of the nomination. In the general comment period, the final winner will be selected among the five nominees of each award. The initial evaluation, the organizing committee issued a total of 397 votes, valid 384 votes, the voter turnout 97%. The number of judges and voter turnout are both record highs.