High strain rate superplasticity of rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FalyE
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The high strain rate superplastic deformation properties and characteristics of a rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy at temperatures ranging from 623 to 698 K(0.67Tm-0.76Tm) and high strain rates ranging from 10-3 to 1 s-1 were investigated.The rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy possesses excellent superplasticity with the maximum elongation of 455% at 623 K and a strain rate of 10-3 s-1,and its strain rate sensitivity m is high up to 0.64.The dominant deformation mechanism responsible for the high strain rate superplasticity is still grain boundary sliding(GBS),and the dislocation creep mechanism is considered as the main accommodation mechanism. The high strain rate superplastic deformation properties and characteristics of a rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy at temperatures ranging from 623 to 698 K (0.67Tm-0.76Tm) and high strain rates ranging from 10-3 to 1 s-1 were investigated. The rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy possesses excellent superplasticity with the maximum elongation of 455% at 623 K and a strain rate of 10-3 s-1, and its strain rate sensitivity m is high up to 0.64. The dominant deformation mechanism responsible for the high strain rate superplasticity is still grain boundary sliding (GBS), and the dislocation creep mechanism is considered as the main accommodation mechanism.
灾难来临,我们众志成城,团结一心  汇爱成川,重建美好家园。    2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省发生里氏8级强烈地震,全国大半地区有明显震感,震中位于阿坝州汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失。  灾区的一切牵动着我们和广大艺术家的心。从2008年5月13日起全国各省市艺术家面对受难的四川各族同胞,迅速行动起来,伸出援助之手,挥动豪情之笔,用艺术为灾区人民奉献自己的爱心,尽我们的努力
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