目的通过检测分析小儿腹泻粪便标本,归结小儿腹泻的各诱发因素。方法选取2015年6月~2016年6月在我院门诊及住院的30例婴幼儿,取其腹泻粪便标本,开展涂片革兰染色镜检查细菌学检查真菌、A群轮状病毒检测及细菌学检查。结果 30例患儿腹泻标本中,细菌学呈阳性为10例(33.33%);真菌阳性为1例(3.33%);A群轮状病毒阳性5例(16.67%);上述三项检测均为阴性14例(46.67%)。1~2岁患儿腹泻具有最高的发病率(16.67%),冬季为多发季。结论幼儿腹泻多为功能性腹泻,感染性腹泻多为细菌性,A群轮状病毒感染为其次。
Objective By detecting and analyzing stool samples of children with diarrhea, sum up the inducing factors of infant diarrhea. Methods Thirty infants and young children who were hospitalized and hospitalized in our hospital from June 2015 to June 2016 were selected for diarrhea stool samples, smear gram-negative staining for bacteriological examination of fungi, detection of group A rotavirus and detection of bacteria School inspection. Results Among the 30 cases of children with diarrhea, 10 cases were positive for bacteriology (33.33%), 1 case (3.33%) for fungi and 5 cases (16.67%) for group A rotavirus. The above three tests were Negative in 14 cases (46.67%). Children aged 1-2 years had the highest incidence of diarrhea (16.67%), with multiple seasons in winter. Conclusions Infantile diarrhea is mostly functional diarrhea, infectious diarrhea is mostly bacterial, and group A rotavirus infection is the second.