“Moon Colonial Novel” (1904) The earliest science fiction novel in China came out during the Russo-Japanese War. It not only accused the “arsenal of science” as a modern “state of mind and body” of a protagonist who could not be cured by modern science and technology. Miracles, “and their inefficiency, they also dreamed of the rise of the yellow race, echoes the arguments of the same kind between China and Japan, and unconsciously repeated the” civilized-barbaric “discourse of the colonizers, The illusion of space is eliminated: the moon civilization hinges on the expansion of the universe in the oppression system, so that the future of Asia, always rational Japanese scientists into a crazy. The refusal of the mysterious elders to the utopia on the lunar calendar has also weakened the legitimacy of grand national narratives. This unsuccessful anti-Verne exploration of the story of the moon exploration has renovated the image of the ”Melancholy to the Moon“ that has lasted for more than a thousand years and has become a special feature of the ”Mad Men" image series in later generations of literature starting point.