非洲桃花心木(khaya senegalensis A.Juss)属楝科,高大乔木,木材纹理交错,花纹美观,为高级家具、镶贴面、车、船等良材。我国引种的非洲桃花心木,12年开始形成心材,心材初呈浅红色,边材黄白色。据测定,木材气干重0.69,与原产地商品材十分相近。 1963—1964年从马里和越南引进我国广东、广西南部的非洲桃花心木,多栽于四旁,生长良好。如热带林业研究所栽于道旁的非洲桃花心木,19年生最大的树高26米,胸径达67厘米,1982年最大的胸径年生长量达7厘米,并早已开花结实,天然下种更新良好。经二十年来的引种和扩大栽培,表现出根系发达,幼树干枝柔韧,抗风性能较好,耐早能力强。同时,生长迅速、树高、冠大、叶色浓绿,不汉适于培育大径用材,也是
African mahogany (khaya senegalensis A.Juss) belongs to the family Meliaceae, tall trees, wood texture staggered, beautiful patterns, high furniture, veneer, cars, boats and other good material. China introduced mahogany, 12 years began to form heartwood, heartwood early pale red, sapwood yellow white. According to the determination, wood gas dry weight 0.69, is very similar with the material of origin. 1963-1964 From Mali and Vietnam, we introduced African mahogany from Guangdong and Guangxi in the south and planted them on all sides and grew well. Such as tropical forestry institute planted in the road next to mahogany, 19-year-old largest tree height of 26 meters, 67 cm in diameter, in 1982 the largest diameter growth of 7 cm in diameter, and has long flowering strong, natural under the kind of update good. After 20 years of introduction and expansion of cultivation, showing a well-developed root system, sapling stem flexible, better wind resistance, early resistance ability. At the same time, rapid growth, tree height, crown big, leaf color dark green, non-Han suitable for cultivating large-diameter wood, but also