采用哈里斯DIGIT CD数字FM激励器的音频处理器,是全数字性的和高稳定性的。数字设备比模拟设备提供更低的噪声和失真,但它不能取消FM广播的两种基本条件:(1)预加重;(2)调制峰值限幅。FM峰值限幅可以在播音室輸出至FM激励器输入之间的链路中的任何地方完成。但是预加重加在哪里是最关键的。预加重在错误的地方,可能在接收
The audio processor with the Harris DIGIT CD Digital FM Exciter is all-digital and highly-stable. Digital devices provide less noise and distortion than analog devices, but it does not eliminate the two basic conditions for FM broadcasting: (1) pre-emphasis, and (2) modulation of the peak amplitude. FM peak clipping can be done anywhere in the link between studio output and FM exciter input. However, pre-emphasis plus where is the most crucial. Pre-emphasis in the wrong place, may be receiving