另有5家美国公司的情报工作的成功经验,亦可对人们起到抛砖引玉的作用: 道氏粒状化学公司这是一家成立于1943年、靠开发硅起家的公司,30年前,就曾涉足日本。作为一种新材料,硅广泛应用于从航空燃料系统、医疗设备到乳房移植等许多领域。看到日本在新材料研究方面成绩斐然,该公司乃于1990年10月花700万美元在日本建立了研究实验室。该公司驻日技术主任戈登·费隆说:“我们了解到,硅作为一种关键的新材料,是通产省的目标,最好的办法,看来还是加入其中以补己之短吧。”
In addition, the successful experience of the intelligence work of five other American companies can also play a role in attracting people: Dow Granular Company, a company founded in 1943 by Silicon Developers, was involved 30 years ago Japan. As a new material, silicon is widely used in many fields ranging from aviation fuel systems, medical equipment to breast implants. Seeing Japan’s success in new material research, the company spent about $ 7 million in October 1990 establishing a research laboratory in Japan. Gordon Feilon, the company’s technical director in Japan, said: “We learned that as a key new material, silicon is the goal of MITI and the best way to do that seems to be to add to it. ”