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  After July 4th it may no longer be possible to slip between the two enormous 2)flippers that frame a doorway in a shopping mall in Georgetown and bounce around in a strange world of 3)sleekly 4)raked playing boards, gleaming silver balls, rubber-wrapped pins,
  5)jittery 6)bumpers and 7)raucous bells. It looks as if the National 8)Pinball Museum, which opened here only in December, is about to close, almost before an out-of-town critic could offer it the 9)ringing approval it deserves.
  There may be a last-minute 10)reprieve extending its
  11)lease until September. But that would only be like getting a bonus ball in a too-brief game. David Silverman, a 12)landscape gardener and artist, spent $300,000 to get this 14,000-square-foot space ready to display part of his collection of nearly 900 pinball machines.
  He created a vivid opening gallery painted to resemble the playing field of a dinosaur-theme pinball game. He built a small theater for lectures and films. And he mounted a miniature history of the game in 13)diorama-like galleries, one of which has a floor resting on water beds that sway underfoot to 14)mimic the rocking of an 18th-century French vessel on which pinball’s ancestor, 15)bagatelle, a 16)mutated version of
  17)billiards, is being played.
  All of this will have to be 18)dismantled. But fortunately, as Mr. Silverman demonstrates, the history of pinball has as many sudden rescues, 19)exuberant bounces and sweeping surprises as one of his favorite games. Why not the museum too?
  For now, though, maybe we can just pretend that the ball is still leaping around the upper part of the playing board without rolling near the alleys and channels that guide it downward to 20)oblivion. Visit before the museum is gone (even temporarily). Not just because one of the galleries allows you to play a range of games that span a half-century, but also because Mr. Silverman has created a museum in which he has illustrated pinball’s history with more than 130 restored and rare machines and drawn attention to the companies and designers that for much of the 20th century defined the 21)hypnotic lure of the 22)arcade.
  It is a tradition that, at first glance, bears little resemblance to virtual worlds conjured by 23)PlayStations and 24)Wiis. And it doesn’t take long before the machines packing these rooms begin to seem like wooden coffins, charmingly 25)interring an earlier era’s tastes and technologies. Here is a primitive, flipperless 1936
  26)evocation of a Yale-Harvard football game, using curved wire as bumpers; the 1952 game 27)Coronation, which displays the newly crowned Elizabeth II as a bikini-wearing 28)beauty-pageant winner; or the 1961 Space Ship game, whose artwork portrays 29)babes in 30)globular 31)headgear soaring over the Moon’s surface. Surely an element of nostalgia is being put into play here.
  Maybe more than an element. The golden age of pinball was, the museum tells us, from the 1940s through the ’60s—roughly when these electrical and mechanical 32)contraptions reflected the 33)cutting edge of gaming. In 1947, for example, the notion of connecting a button to a mechanical 34)relay was still a novelty, but it led to the flipper’s invention, shown here with the first pinball game to have some, 35)Gottlieb’s Humpty Dumpty. Even if we extend that golden age into the era when first 36)Pong and then 37)Pac-Man invaded the arcade, the pinball machine still seems like an 38)artifact of gaming 39)antiquity.
  A 40)timeline here titled “The Building of an Industry” could as well have been called “The 41)Demise of an Industry.” Beginning in the ’30s pinball companies 42)proliferate; in more recent decades the proliferation is of their disappearance, purchase or conversion to “gaming” (gambling). Only one company still makes pinball games, Stern Pinball.
  So pinball isn’t just associated with an earlier time; it is only associated with that era. Players of a certain age will look around and recall the atmospheric 43)minutia of that lost world: cigarette burns on the games’ wooden rails, rings left on the glass by beer bottles, and lines of nickels or quarters arranged on their edges by waiting players. Now such players are collectors of these games and
  44)proselytize for their revival. Pinball museums have opened in Alameda, Calif.; Asbury Park, N.J.; Las Vegas; and Paris. The game has its own journal, resources, repair sites and an online database of 5,348 games.
  Original pinball players are the main audience for his museum, Mr. Silverman said. But they also have their families 45)in tow, and one point of the dinosaur gallery is to corrupt the young with the lure of the silver ball.
  That lure is considerable, but one aspect requires some explanation: There has always been a hint of the forbidden associated with pinball. Despite 46)sordid historical associations with gambling, though, most of these games could hardly appear more innocent. What could be more commonplace than a silver ball rolling down an incline, knocking into obstacles? In its path there is no hint of moral degradation, no sign of 47)debauchery. It is amazing that so many themes could have been 48)draped ornamentally over such 49)rudimentary elements. But here we can see it happen.
  In the early years pinball games 50)tapped into familiar games for ideas, particularly those that, like pinball, mixed chance with skillful manipulation: card games and competitive sports. Then pinball grew more elaborate,
  51)alluding to the circus or the city, where events are sharp and quick, and later, more 52)ornately, to the worlds of films and television.
  But in playing any of these games the lure is the same. They invoke the anxious thrills of an adolescent in a darkened room, illuminated with the blinking of multicolored lights, each machine the center of a group’s attention, each group focusing on the fate of a gleaming ball going almost too fast to track, as it teases and 53)taunts or promptly sweeps downward to its death, daring you to try again with another coin.
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