以商业栽培的25个香菇(Lentinula edodes)品种为材料,应用SSR分子标记技术进行区别性分析。本研究使用14对引物,引物的多态性为100%,每对引物产生的等位基因数为2~9个,平均5.0个,基因型数为2~12个,平均6.3个。预期杂合度为0.1151~0.8131,平均预期杂合度为0.6126;PIC值为0.1064~0.7736,平均PIC值为0.5541。25个品种中,除申香10号和申香12号不能区分外,对其他23个品种清晰鉴别,为构建香菇栽培品种的SSR分子指纹图谱提供了依据和方法。本方法获得的数据可以成为重复性良好、实验室间可比对的香菇栽培品种标准指纹图谱,在品种特异性鉴定中不再需要已有所有品种做参照,较RAPD、ISSR、SRAP等鉴定方法工作量大大减少。
Commercially cultivated 25 Lentinula edodes cultivars were used for differential analysis using SSR markers. In this study, 14 pairs of primers were used. The polymorphism of the primers was 100%. The number of alleles generated per primer pair was 2-9 with an average of 5.0 and the number of genotypes was 2-12 with an average of 6.3. The expected heterozygosity was 0.1151 ~ 0.8131, the average expected heterozygosity was 0.6126; the PIC value was 0.1064 ~ 0.7736, the average PIC value was 0.5541.25 Among 23 varieties except Shenzhong 10 and Shenxiang 12, A clear identification of varieties, for the construction of mushroom cultivars SSR molecular fingerprint provides a basis and method. The data obtained by this method can be used as a standard fingerprinting fingerprint of mushroom cultivars which have good repeatability and can be compared among laboratories. It is no longer necessary to use all the existing cultivars for reference in variety-specific identification and to compare with the identification methods such as RAPD, ISSR and SRAP The amount is greatly reduced.