2016年国际渔业重要事件回顾1、港口国渔业管理协议正式生效2016年6月5日,由联合国粮农组织(FAO)倡导和主持制定《港口国渔船管理协议》(the Port State Measures Agreement.PSMA)正式生效。《港口国渔船管理协议》的核心内容是要求签约方通过严格的管理措施,在渔港内甄别和处置IUU渔船。根据协议的相关规定,任何国家的渔船进入港口后,港口国的检查人员有责任和权力在渔港内登船检查渔获物来源和渔船实际捕捞情况,对非法捕捞的渔获物依法采取措施进行处置。该协议正式生效后将成为全球范围打击
2016 Review of Important International Fisheries Events 1. Port State Fisheries Management Agreement Entered into Effect On June 5, 2016, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) initiated and presided over the development of the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) Officially effective. The core content of the Agreement on Management of Fishing Vessels in Port States is to require contracting parties to adopt strict management measures to screen and dispose of IUU fishing vessels in fishing ports. According to the relevant provisions of the agreement, after a fishing vessel of any country enters the port, the inspectors of the port state have the responsibility and power to board the fishing port to check the sources of the catches and the actual fishing conditions of the fishing vessels and to take measures against the unlawfully caught catches according to the law Disposal. The agreement comes into effect will become a global hit