Visiting the United States for ten months, in addition to visit, exchange and lectures, in Los Angeles in the west and east of New York saw a lot of drama. Back to the number of programs, actually have more than twenty, not including those who have seen the stage play video. The shows cover a wide range of genres, styles and levels, professional and amateur, large theater and small theater, commercial and experimental, formal performances and “seating arrangements”. They make up a rough, though not comprehensive, and in-depth impression of contemporary American theater. The overall feeling for me is that in the United States in recent years drama has two salient features. First, the development of drama has also been affected by the slump in the economy for several years in a row, resulting in a shrinking cultural market. Compared with the sixties and seventies, the number of performances and the quality of creation have declined. However, in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities, the drama still maintained a certain scale and momentum. A group of people interested in theatrical arts are still struggling in the economic recession and insist on creating good shows. Therefore, drama is still a high-level form of cultural entertainment that attracts the majority of middle-class audiences. Second, after a fairly long period of development, American drama has obviously brought the stigma of postmodern art. Its important symbol is a high degree of pluralism and integration. Diversification is the inevitable result of the post-modern society losing its center. Today, on the theatrical scene, everything from extremist irrational rebellion to super-realistic life drama, real-time drama, and environmental drama exists in all forms. From the perspective of highlighting the literary nature