分析8例经手术及穿刺病理证实的肝母细胞瘤患儿的临床及影像学资料。结果:超声检查肿瘤回声强弱不一,分布不均,以中、低混合回声为主;CT平扫见单个或多个巨块型低密度区,边缘清楚;MRI T1WI肿块信号为强弱不均的低信号,T2WI肿块信号则为强弱不均的高信号。提示儿童出现并急剧增大的肝脏肿大、右上腹包块、进行性全身衰竭,应首先考虑肝母细胞瘤的可能;肝母细胞瘤患儿的血清甲胎蛋白常明显增高;肝脏巨大肿块,有肿块内斑片状和胞膜钙化对肝母细胞瘤的诊断有重要意义。
The clinical and imaging data of 8 patients with hepatoblastoma confirmed by operation and biopsy were analyzed. Results: The echogenicity of ultrasound echo was uneven and unevenly distributed, with medium and low mixed echogenicity. One or more large lumps of low-density area were clearly seen by CT scan with clear margin. The signal of MRI T1WI mass was not strong or weak Both low signal, T2WI mass signal is the high signal of uneven strength. Prompt children appear and increased liver enlargement, right upper quadrant mass, progressive systemic failure should be considered the first possibility of hepatoblastoma; children with hepatoblastoma serum a-fetoprotein often significantly increased; large liver lumps , There are mass patchy and calcified membrane on the diagnosis of hepatoblastoma is of great significance.