近年来,药物性肝损害(Drug-induced liver injury,DILI)发病率逐年上升,最新研究数据显示,每10万人就有将近20人曾经患有DILI,故而DILI越来越受到关注[1]。Chen M等[2]在研究中发现肝病患者中药物性肝损伤者为l%-5%;在急性肝炎患者中占比重为10%;在暴发性肝衰患者中所占比重为13%-30%。DILI可表现为本质性及特异性两种类型[3]:(1)与药物剂量正相关者称为本质性DILI,如扑热息痛等,可伴其他脏器损害;(2)而特异性肝
In recent years, the incidence of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) has been increasing year by year. According to the latest data, there are nearly 20 people with DILI per 100,000 people. Therefore, DILI is getting more and more attention [1] . Chen M et al [2] found that in patients with liver disease, drug-induced liver injury was 1% -5%, in acute hepatitis accounted for 10%, in fulminant hepatic failure 13% 30%. DILI can be manifested as two types of essential and specific [3]: (1) DILI, which is positively correlated with drug dosage, is called DILI, such as paracetamol, which may be damaged by other organs; (2) Specific liver