这篇文章是美国著名的美术史论家Marilyn Stokstad所著《Art:A Brief History》中的一个章节。它以19世纪著名美国油画家托马斯·赖克列尔的油画《带有肖像画的内景》为主题,从西方美学观念的角度,对什么是真实,什么是艺术,艺术和真实、艺术与自然之间的辩证关系等方面,做了深入的举证和分析。阐明艺术是一种再创造,而不是绝对的真实的辩证美学观点,是与中国传统美学的有无、真幻、形神、虚实的辩证关系相通的。由此可以看出,在艺术创作审美方面,东西方文化受地域文化的影响,在艺术创作的表现语言等方面有一定的差异,而艺术创作和审美是相通和一致的。译此文意在进一步认识东西方文化差异和共性,以此与同道共商榷。
This article is a chapter in “Art: A Brief History” by the famous American art historian Marilyn Stokstad. It is based on the painting “Portrait of the Interior with Portraiture” by the famous 19th-century American painter Thomas Riekkrell. From the perspective of western aesthetics, what is true is what is art, art and truth, art and nature Between the dialectical relations, made in-depth evidence and analysis. Clarifying that art is a kind of re-creation rather than an absolute true dialectical aesthetic point of view, it is connected with the dialectical relationship between the existence of Chinese traditional aesthetics, the true magic, the form of God, and the actual situation. It can be seen from the above that in the field of aesthetic appreciation of art creation, Eastern and Western cultures are affected by the regional culture and have some differences in the language of artistic creation, etc. However, artistic creation and aesthetic appreciation are in common and consistent. The purpose of this translation is to further understand the cultural differences and similarities between East and West and to discuss with fellow citizens.