江苏盐城市郊区支公司是个职工平均年龄不超过30周岁的年轻公司。十年来他们从健全“指挥系统”,增强“免疫功能”,培育“健康细胞”入手,保持公司整体的健康与活力,公司干部、职工、家属、子女中没有发现一起违法违纪案件或受到党组、政纪处分。公司的各项工作连续5年居全市保险系统之首,多次受到省、市公司的表彰。公司党支部连续8年被评为先进党支部,今年7月该公司“认真抓好谦洁从业,发展保险服务于民”的做法在盐城市郊区党建工作经验交流会上作了介绍。 保持清醒的认识不断健全“指挥系统”
Yancheng suburban branch in Jiangsu Province is an average age of workers not exceeding 30 years of young companies. In the past ten years, they have started with sound “command system”, “immunization function” and nurturing “healthy cells” to maintain the overall health and vitality of the company. No company, employee, family member or child was found to have violated the law or discipline, Political discipline. The company’s work for five consecutive years in the city’s insurance system first, many times by the provincial and municipal companies commend. The party branch of the Company was awarded the Advanced Party Branch for eight consecutive years. In July this year, the company made a presentation on “Experience of Modestly Practicing and Developing Insurance to Serve the People” at the exchange meeting of party building in the suburbs of Yancheng City. Maintain a clear understanding of constantly improve the “command system”