In Cartesian coordinates, points and coordinates are in one-to-one correspondence. If the equation F_1(x,y)=0 and the equation F_2(x,y)=0 have the same solution, the two equations represent the same curve; conversely, the two equations representing the same curve must also be the same solution. However, in the polar coordinate system, a point corresponds to an infinite number of coordinates ((-1)~kρ, kπ+θ), where k∈Z. The equation f_1(ρ,θ)=0 and f_2(ρ,θ)=0 indicate the same curve if the solutions are the same, but the two equations representing the same curve do not necessarily share the same solution. If the equation ρ=θ and p=2π+θ represent the same curve, the equations do not have the same solution. We call equations representing the same curve in polar coordinates as equivalent equations. Obviously all equations of the same equation are equivalent equations.