河南省沿黄两岸的郑州、新乡、开封等地常年种植稻茬小麦 1 0 0多万亩 ,其中一半以上为稻田撒播。因其方法简单 ,省工省时 ,又能早播 ,深受群众喜爱。但由于撒播麦田不能深施底肥 ,土壤理化性状较差 ,小麦根系浅 ,苗期发育不良 ,后期又易脱肥 ,再加上播种较早 (一般在 9月下旬
Henan Province, along the Yellow River in Zhengzhou, Xinxiang, Kaifeng and other perennial planting more than 1.0 million hectares of rice crop, of which more than half of the broadcast for paddy fields. Because of its simple method, saving time and labor, but also early bird, loved by the masses. However, due to sowing wheat field can not be deep base fertilizer, poor soil physical and chemical properties, wheat roots shallow, poor seedling stage, late and easy to take off, coupled with sowing earlier (usually in late September