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位于日本流通、商业中心的东京火车站八重洲北口旁的日本交通公社旅游文化资料馆,建馆于日本盛行海外旅行的1978年10月。自开馆以来,由于报纸、杂志的广泛介绍,故深为爱好旅行的人们所熟知。旅游文化资料馆,藏书约17,000册,大约60%是海外资料。主要收集了许多旅行、游记文章、地图以及几乎所有的国内外旅行指南。尤其是日语的海外指南最常被利用。同时,也有用英语写的或在那个国家发行的读物等。另外,还收集了极为详细的各国、各县市镇村的观光小册子(每年更换)和剪报(可利用5年),装在文件夹箱和图书一起按国别、县别排架。除了收集一般的旅行杂志、城市杂志外,最富特色的是,该馆还收集了进入日本的约40家外国航空公司的机内杂志。这些为使乘机人舒适愉快地度过飞行时间,而编写的飞机内的杂志,编辑水平很高,很有可读性。除了以上旅行指南、杂志等资料外,还有制定旅行计划所必需的各种时刻表。如铁 Located in Japan’s circulation, commercial center of Tokyo Railway Station Yaesu northbound next to Japan’s transportation commune tourism and cultural materials Museum, built in Japan popular travel overseas in October 1978. Since its opening, due to the extensive introduction of newspapers and magazines, it is well known to those hobbyists. Tourism and Culture Museum, about 17,000 books, about 60% of overseas information. The main collection of many travel, travel articles, maps and almost all travel guides at home and abroad. Overseas guides, especially Japanese, are most often used. There are also books written in English or in that country. In addition, sightseeing brochures (each year) and newspaper clippings (available for 5 years) of each country, town and village in each prefecture are collected in great detail, and are packed in a folder box together with books by country and county. In addition to collecting general travel magazines and city magazines, the museum also collected in-flight magazines from some 40 foreign airlines entering Japan. In order to make the flight time comfortable and pleasant for the passengers, the compilation of magazines inside the aircraft is very high and readable. In addition to the above travel guides, magazines and other information, there are all kinds of schedules necessary to make travel plans. Such as iron
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