静态姿态功 静态姿势指完成一个动作,常常要保持几分钟或更长的时间,这些练习在柔和地按摩内脏,腺体和肌肉,以及在放松全身,神经的同时,给心里带来宁静,为练习者做瑜伽的高级动作及入定做准备。在做这些练习中,一般呼吸频率逐渐减慢,练习者意念集中在身体的一个特定部位。 静态姿势的练习需要相对的稳定性,要在较舒服的体位姿势下完成,如果强迫自己做很难达到的姿势,身体会不由自主的抖动及晃动,所以应循续渐近地去做。
Static posture Static posture refers to the completion of an action, often to maintain a few minutes or longer, these exercises gently massage the internal organs, glands and muscles, as well as relaxation of the body, nerves at the same time, to bring peace of mind, as The practitioner prepares for advanced yoga and yoga practice. In doing these exercises, the general respiratory rate gradually slow down, practitioners focus on a particular part of the body. Static posture exercises require relative stability, to be done in a more comfortable posture, if you force yourself to do difficult to reach the posture, the body will involuntarily jitter and shaking, it should be done gradually and asymptotically.