目的:探讨儿童手部肿瘤的发病特点及治疗体会。方法:总结我院自2007年1月至2019年6月经手术治疗且有明确病理诊断的363例儿童手部肿瘤患者,就儿童手部肿瘤的发病特点、病理性质、流行病学特点进行统计学分析。结果:儿童手部以良性肿瘤多见,中间性肿瘤与恶性肿瘤较少见;软组织肿瘤多于骨组织肿瘤,以血管瘤最为多见;其次是色素痣;骨肿瘤以内生性软骨瘤最为多见;恶性肿瘤以肉瘤最多。结论:儿童手部肿瘤首选手术治疗,应选择合适的手术时机。“,”Objective:To explore the characteristics and treatment of hand tumors in children.Methods:From January 2007 to June 2019, a total of 363 children with hand tumors were treated surgically and diagnosed pathologically. The incidence, pathological and epidemiological characteristics of hand tumors in children were analyzed statistically.Results:The benign tumors are common in children′s hands, while the intermediate tumors and malignant tumors are rare. The soft tissue tumors were more than the bone tissue tumors, and the hemangioma was the most common. The pigmented nevus was the second. The endogenic chondroma was the most common bone tumor. The sarcoma was the most common malignant tumor.Conclusion:The first choice for children′s hand tumors is surgery, and the right time should be chosen.