Tea tree stalks laceration frost damage occurs in the inland warm area, often the early arrival of frost in 10 ~ early December after the cold resistance of tea is still weak, which is characterized by the longitudinal ciliate crack (1) young root system of tea is still underdeveloped, not deep, when the soil is frozen, the water supply is difficult, the tea tree is subjected to freeze-drying ; (2) young tea leaves thin, part of the stem temperature is low, near the surface of the stem part of the temperature is particularly low and easily affected by cold; (3) young tea tree shoot growth, stop growing late. Compared with the mature tea trees, the cold tolerance of the tea plants is weaker than that of the plants themselves, and the activity of the stem formation layer is gradually decreased from top to bottom during the autumn tip aging process. The stalk near the root and neck , Its resistance to cold is often the latest, encountered the first frost or hold