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近几年来,随着农业产业结构的调整,地处干旱荒漠区的和田,各地都在稳定粮食、保证粮食的前提下,大力发展林果业,林果业面积逐年俱增。林果业生产规模的扩大,农业用水日趋紧张、即将面临水源缺乏问题。节水技术和节水方法的研究和应用,成为干旱区农业发展的制约环节。和田干旱区的林果业,除因地制宜推广节水灌溉,还应按照果树生理特点和需水规律,保证灌好果树关键的“三水”,维持果树正常营养生长和生殖生长,最基本的生理需水,才能取得丰收。 果树需水规律,要求保证的关键“三水”为:越冬水、花前水、果实膨大水。 1、越冬水。入冬前利用农闲水灌溉果园蓄墒,对于气候干燥地区来说极其重要。只有浇足越冬水,果 In recent years, with the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, Hetian, located in an arid and desert region, has vigorously developed forestry and fruit industry under the premise of stabilizing grain and ensuring food. The area of ​​forestry and fruit industry has been increasing year by year. With the expansion of the scale of forestry and fruit production, the agricultural water supply is becoming more and more tense, and will soon face the problem of lack of water. The research and application of water saving technologies and water saving methods have become the constraints of agricultural development in arid areas. The fruit industry in Wada arid area should not only promote the water-saving irrigation according to the local conditions, but also ensure the key “Sanshui” of fruit trees and the normal vegetative and reproductive growth of fruit trees according to the physiological characteristics and water demand of fruit trees. The most basic physical water requirement In order to achieve good harvest. Fruit tree water demand, the key to ensure that the “Sanshui” as: winter water, flowers before flowering, fruit enlargement of the water. 1, winter water. The use of agricultural irrigation before winter irrigation irrigated orchard moisture, dry climate is extremely important for the region. Only pour enough foot winter water, fruit
目的 探讨实时“滴定”模式对重型脑卒中并发高血糖的调控作用.方法 将入院后伴高血糖的重型脑卒中患者85例随机纳入治疗组和对照组,分别以优泌林70/30皮下注射和诺和灵R静脉
10月21日,T ü V南德意志集团(简称“TüV SüD”)参加为期三天的2014年北京国际风能大会暨展览会。TüV南德意志集团大中华区高级副总裁兼工业服务总监朱文才先生与TüV SüD P
安射力 (Opitiray)即碘佛醇 (Ioversol) ,是美国万灵科医药有限公司 (MalllinckrodtMedicalInc .)生产的一种新型的非离子型造影剂 ,它的 6个OH围绕I原子均匀分布 ,能有效地屏蔽I原子使其不暴露于人体组织 ,故其安全性较
目的 :对蕲蛇酶注射液治疗急性脑梗塞 31例进行临床安全性及有效性评价。方法 :采用蕲蛇酶注射液0 .75U静滴 ,qd ,7d为一疗程 ,停药 5d后开始第 2疗程。结果 :经 2个疗程治疗