殷红的鲜血正从床上分娩的妻子体内汩汩涌出,三百多年前意大利克雷莫纳小镇上的制琴高手尼科罗.布索的妻子死于难产,与尚未出世的儿子双双俱殁。悲愤之余,布索把妻子的鲜血当作油漆,一遍遍地往他刚制作完成的那把琴上涂抹。那是他倾毕生心力精心制作的一把名琴,原打算当作儿子降生的礼物传给他,使他日后成为一位闻名遐迩的小提琴大师……这是1998年出品的影片《红色小提琴》(Red Violin)中一个感人肺腑的场景,这把
The bright red blood was pouring from the bed of his wife’s wife. Three hundred years ago, the wife of the violin master Niccolò Buso in the town of Cremona, Italy, died of difficult labor and both of her unborn children殁. In addition to his grief, Busch painted the blood of his wife over and over again to the piano he had just finished making. That was a carefully crafted piano he had devoted his life to, originally intended as a gift of his son was passed on to him, so that he later became a famous violin master ... ... This is 1998 produced the movie “Red Violin” (Red Violin) in a moving scene, this