鉴于水直播稻田杂草种类多、发生量大、防治困难的现状,选择常用除草剂组合3种除草方式,研究其对稻田主要优势种杂草的防治效果。结果显示,每667 m2用50%苄.丁.异丙隆WP 60~90 g+6%五氟磺草胺.氰氟草酯SC 100 mL的除草剂组合,分别于播前1~2 d、播后15 d即直播水稻3叶1心期喷雾处理,对阔叶杂草、禾本科杂草和莎草均防效优异,水稻7叶1心至12叶1心期对禾本科、莎草科杂草株防效92.17%~100%,水稻14叶1心不同类型杂草调查,鲜重防效均在90%以上,阔叶杂草总体控制效果较好,防治后期株防效有所下降,但鲜重防效90.32%~96.53%。说明以此除草剂组合处理,阔叶杂草生长受抑制,基本不影响水稻生长,禾本科、莎草科杂草得到有效控制。
In view of the variety of weeds in water-direct-seeding rice fields, the occurrence of large amount of weeds and the difficulty of prevention and treatment, three herbicidal combinations of commonly used herbicides were selected to study their control effects on the dominant weed species in paddy fields. The results showed that the herbicide combination of 50% benzylbut-1-isoproturon WP 60-90 g + 6% penoxsulam SC with 100 ml of cyanafos- imine per 667 m2 was applied at 1 ~ 2 d , 15 days after sowing direct seeding rice 3 leaf 1 heart spray treatment, the broad-leaved weeds, grass weeds and sedge are excellent control effect, rice 7 leaf 1 heart to 12 leaf 1 heart of the grass, Sha The control effect of weeds was 92.17% -100%. The investigation of different types of weeds in 14 leaves and 1 heart of rice showed that the control effect of fresh weight and heavy weeds was over 90%. The control effect of broadleaf weeds was better than that of control. Decreased, but the fresh weight control efficiency 90.32% ~ 96.53%. This indicates that the combination of herbicide treatment, broad-leaved weeds growth inhibition, the basic does not affect rice growth, grass, sedge weeds are effectively controlled.